Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This isn't normal, right? (Luis)

Water flowing the Bulerias round-a-bout
My travel started off fun enough. My flight left LAX at 12:35 a.m. on Sunday so I was able to stop off at Nora and Chris Huber's party in Santa Monica. Some great wine, tamales, and sweets was a great prep for the red-eye ahead.

The flights were fine and it was interesting to see the airports and cities of Guatemala City and San Jose, Costa Rica.

Unfortunately, one of my suitcases enjoyed Central America a little too much and decided to not join my flight to Medellin. So after racing off the plane (Amazing Race-style) to make it to the front of the immigration line, I spent an hour searching for and reporting my lost luggage before meeting my parents and Luella's (brand new) smiling face.
[UPDATE: Lost suitcase (intact and unopened) arrived 18 hours later and was delivered directly to my parent's house. No idea where it went.]

Driving into Medellin from the airport, we encountered the aftermath of a thunderstorm (hail on side of the road and downed trees). As we got close to may parent's house, the streets got more and more flooded until finally this flood blocked our progress.

My parents are always complaining about how much it rains in Medellin. So trying not to be too alarmed, I had to ask when we saw this flood, "This isn't a normal amount of rain, right?" Turns out, even for Medellin, this was very unusual. Fortunately, we were able to navigate our way around and finally arrived safely (minus one errant suitcase).


Oscar Vasquez said...

Any suitcase update?

Luis and Luella said...

Suitcase update: The lost suitcase showed up early the next day. The airline called and told us it would be delivered to my parent's house by 11:00 a.m. No idea where it went. My guess is that it was left on the plane in Medellin and they found it at the plane's next destination, then returned.