Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chiva Ride - Even better than a drive-thru

Guest Blog- Written by Cecilia
When we got to the hotel, Mom and Abuelo went to sign us up for a trip to the 'Islas del Rosario'. The next morning we had to get up super early to catch our transportation to the docks, where our boat was going to launch. We waited and waited for our bus to come to pick us up, but none of them stopped for us. Finally a woman came around a corner and led us to our transportation, a Chiva! (A Chiva is one of the colorful Colombian buses used to transport either tourists or local workers on the way to and from the farms.) On the way to the docks we stopped to pick up some people at other hotels. One stop we were harassed by people trying to sell us things (all crap) but there was a guy selling some cool water shoes. We tried them on a bit, some people found the sizes they needed, others, like me, were not ready. The bus started to pull away (not pull away, but race away) and all of us had shoes either on, in our laps, or holding some. I had three pairs of shoes in my lap, plus one on my foot. I panicked and dropped the shoes on the side of the road where all the others were selling things. The man chased us a few blocks before we got the bus to stop. But the poor guy, scrambling to pick up shoes while the bus races away. It was fun though because he got on the bus and sold us the shoes, jumped off in the middle of traffic and ran across the street after almost getting run over by a motorcycle.
That shows I'm a good person, says Tio Guiso. I was not about to run away with some street vendors water shoes. Posted by Picasa

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