After my first experience with lucky, yellow underwear, I've decided that if they have any lucky powers, those powers seem to decrease over time. I say this because our luck on our return travel day started good and only got worse as the day went on.
Good Luck (New Year's Eve morning):
- Easy trip to MDE - Jose Maria Cordoba International Airport
- Great flight to Bogota - Brand new airplane, great weather and views flying into the Bogota area
Average Luck (mid day):
- Long but uneventful layover in Bogota at El Dorado International Airport
- Brand new Colombian Passport worked like a charm getting out of Colombian Migration
- Flight from Bogota to San Salvador was uneventful
Bad Luck (afternoon/evening):
- Flight from San Salvador to LAX was oversold so I was bumped from the flight.
- At the last minute, I was given an aisle-seat but it was in the very back of the plane. What seemed like good luck, turned out to be bad luck as I spent most of the five hour flight with the lavatory line of butts in my face.
- Back of the plane seat, meant last in Immigration line. By the time we made it out to baggage claim, our bags had been removed from the carousel. It took us about 20 additional minutes to find them.
Really bad luck (New Year's Eve night):
- When we got into our car (which had spent two weeks in long-term parking), it wouldn't start. Apparently, the stater was out.
- We had to then take the shuttle back to the terminal, take a taxi to my sister's house in Santa Monica, borrow a car, drive back to the long-term parking lot to pick up our luggage, then drive home.
In total our travel day was 21 hours long, and the lucky underwear powers were completely done.